Včeraj sem našla stran na Facebooku, ki ima trenutno licitacije za pomoč zapuščenim živalim. Na take licitacije se vedno rada odzvem in tudi tokrat sem se odločila, da vsaj malo pomagam.
Na licitacije sem dala eno ogrlico iz FIMO mase, ki jo bom naredila po željah najvišjega ponudnika.
V kolikor bi tudi vi radi pomagali zapuščenim živalim, lahko v licitacijah sodelujete na naslednjem naslovu: LICITACIJE :) Trajajo do 11.9.2012
Hvala vsem!
Yesterday I came across to one page on Facebook where they are collecting the money with help of auction. I love to help animal shelters on auctions if only I can. This time I've decided to make a necklace from FIMO clay. The highest bidder will chose the colours itself :)
Let's hope my necklace will bring some money for abandoned animals and will make their lives easier and happier!
I love the whole idea of it, your thoughtfulness, creativity and kindness all in one. Hope it will beas a contribution to help animals. you are too sweet... <3 <3